Frequently Asked Questions

Can you develop a complete listing for a product that is not yet listed on
Of course we can! Many of our clients began with us without any listings on

How long does ListingBaby™ development take?
Allow seven to fourteen day before we show you a deliverable. We deliver revisions within seven days

Can you help us remove unauthorized sellers from our product listings in the Amazon catalog?
Although we don’t do this, we work with companies that offer this service.

Can you help us with our PayPerClick marketing or in management of our shipping?
ListingBaby™ is part of a larger company that offers the full range of Amazon support services. We will gladly connect you with them!

Will you negotiate the cost when we need to create or improve multiple Amazon listings?
Yes, we will. Let us work on a clear “Statement of Work”, then we can you provide you with a reduced quote.

Can we use our existing graphics?
We can certainly use clean product photographs. Show us you graphics and we will let you know how they can help us to help you!

Our listing are done though Vendor Central can you still change them ?
Yes, we can change listings if you are selling your products through Vendor Central. We normally would go through your Vendor Central account to ask Amazon to make the changes. Alternatively, if you have a licensed trademark, we can register you in the Amazon Brand Registry to access these listings directly. One of the services that we offer is Brand Registry enrollment.

Can ListingBaby™ modify an Amazon product listing that was created by someone other than the brand?
Generally, to fix a listing created by someone else, you need to own the trademark and be enrolled in the Amazon Brand Registry. ListingBaby offers Brand Registry enrollment.
We can help you pick a winning solutions for your Brand !
Let us work together for a cost- effective solution for you ! Call us today.